Ask the Executive Coach: Terminating an Employee

Originally published by the New Orleans City Business on February 9, 2021. 

Question from Samantha L. Craig, I have to fire someone in April, if he is not successful with his performance improvement plan that expires at the end of March. I have never fired someone before, and I need your advice. What do I say, what do I do? Thank you!

Samantha, being terminated was one of the most humbling, educational and “teachable moments” of my career. It taught me to be a more effective communicator, to truly understand the impact leaders and managers have on an employee’s life and well-being, and how to fire someone the right way.

Hiring and firing comes with the territory of just about any management or leadership position. The axiom you have heard to “hire slowly and fire quickly” is true, but you might also want to remember to “hire slowly and fire with heart.”

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