The Leader’s Guide to Innovation & Adaptation: Achieving Organizational Resiliency

This article was published in the New Orleans City Business on September 9, 2020. You can read the original version here.

Building organizational resiliency requires adopting new ways to solve complex problems. Leaders must relentlessly work toward a future state where the right balance is found between an engaging culture, disciplined operational execution, and the innovation and adaptation needed for long term success.

This article about the innovation and adaptation is the final part in a four-part series on creating a resilient organization. The first article, A Leader’s Guide for Building a Resilient Organization, was published in the digital craig-photoCityBusiness on June 16. The second was The Leader’s Guide to Shaping a Strong Corporate Culture and was published on July 14. The Leader’s Guide to the Disciplined Execution of Work was on Aug. 11.

As the diagram illustrates, a strong positive culture is central to any attempt to build organizational resiliency and is critical to the disciplined execution of work. With that strong culture and the capability to produce consistent superior results, the groundwork is laid for the ability to innovate and adapt to the volatile environment leaders face daily.

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